What’s Your Destination?

🎯 Yes, put pen to paper with your goals and equally, give meaning to them!

🎯 Many of us have goals that we want to achieve during our lifetime. Unfortunately, most of us are neither clear nor concise when it comes to setting our dreams as our goals.

💸 Since many, if not all, of our goals have certain price tags attached to them, it is crucial to put pen to paper and map our goals in detail. Without planning for our goals, it’s like trying to make out of a dense jungle without any sense of direction. It’s like trying to reach a destination without knowing your current position and hoping that you’ll, somehow navigate your way and find yourself at your destination.

🗺 Just as our good old Google Maps requires our ‘current location’ to find the best route to reach our destination, we need to fully appreciate our current financial position so that we can effectively plan for the road ahead.

🎯 We know one of the best ways to set our goals is to be SMART about it. The question is, how many of us are SMART about it?

🎯 I share your frustrations when we must painstakingly go through our assets, liabilities, income, expenses, etc. as if thinking about our evolving lifelong goals in detail is not hard enough.

🎯 This process doesn’t need to be hard if you take this easy step – message *GOALS* to receive a link to get a snapshot of your current financial “location”. My clients say it works like magic.

#FinancialWellBeing #GoalSetting #WealthGPS

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